Those who did more and made today a little better.
Webster’s Dictionary describes Vanguard as “the forefront of an action or movement.” Members of The Vanguard Leadership Giving Program are individuals truly dedicated to shaping our corner of the world today and tomorrow. Vanguards are donors who contribute $1,000 or more to United Way each year.
We come from different backgrounds and do different things, but we come together as one for the community. Choose the United Way leadership giving group that’s right for you.
Vanguard Leadership Giving Society
United Way of the Wabash Valley recognizes those individuals who give $1,000 or more annually as Vanguard Leadership Givers. The generosity of all donors, including Leadership Givers, creates opportunities for a better life for all of us in the Wabash Valley.
Foundation: $1,000
Cornerstone: $2,500
Pillar: $5,000
Keystone: $7,500
Tocqueville Society $10,000
Tocqueville Pillar: $25,000
Emerging Leadership Giving Society
Emerging Leaders represent the next generation of business and community leaders giving back to the Wabash Valley. With an annual gift of $500 or more, Emerging Leadership gifts create a solid foundation for all of the work in our community, and inspires others to stand together and make a difference.
Community Lead Investor: $750
Community Investor: $500
2022 Vanguard and Leadership Donors
Tocqueville Pillar
Tocqueville Society
Gregory and Amy Gibson
Dan and Barbara Weber
Vanguard Keystone
Vanguard Pillar
Jameel Ahmed and Christine Buckley
Dennis and Valorie Callahan
Rob and Tammy Coons
Robert and Mary Doti
1 Anonymous
Vanguard Cornerstone
Ron and Gloria Artigue
Rhett and Jennifer Beaumont
David Rader and Concetta DePaolo
Steve and Kathy Fleschner
Steven and Mary Holman
Susan Decker and Vicki Kosowsky
John and Karen Lukens
Brian and Dorothy Mimms
Dr. William and Mrs. Nancy Shriner
John R. Adkins
Gordon and Linda Afdahl
Dr. Hans Andreasen
Margie Anshutz
Bill and PJ Aubin
Bob and Julie Baesler
Ryan Barton
Brenda Bonine
Chantel Booth
Dan and Cheri Bradley
Ellie Caldwell
Seth Carter
Caroline Carvill
Jordan Cole
Michael and Debbie Collins
Bart and Debbie Colwell
Jesse and Sondra Cress
Don Richards and Martha Crossen
Kyle and Holly Curtsinger
Steve and Lori Danielson
Barry and Joanne Davignon
Abby and Dave Desboro
Brian and Karen Dyer
Paul and Nancy Edgerton
Kimberly Elliott
Greg and Lori Essig
Mary Fazekas
William Fleming
David Gedde
Pete and Donna Gustafson
Jane A. Hadley
Brandon Halleck
Mars and Susan Harlan
Erik and Melinda Hayes
Amanda and Chris Hogue
Wendy Horsely
Kristi J. Howe
Don and Genine Ireland
Alan J Kassis
Deanna King
Dr. and Mrs. Roland M. Kohr
Terry Lagrange
Norman and Britt Lowery
Kim J. Marlow
Kelly Marshall
Randy McKean
Craig and Diann McKee
Dr. Bruce and Mrs. Constance McLaren
Monica McNabb
Laney Meis
Becky Miller
Gary Morris
Santhana and Amy Naidu
Heather Nichols
Sylvia Oster
Kris Painter
Nancy Payonk
John and Karen Perry
Kenneth and Diana Pierce
David Piker
Stephanie and Ross Poland
Susan Powers
Bob and Mary Beth Prox
Hicham and Priya Rahmouni
- J. and Mary Riley
Don and Nancy Rogers
John Royse
Gregory Runyon
Jim and Trudy Rupska
Gary and Judy Schomer
Dana Simons
Ryan Smith
Rebecca and Sid Stamm
Stephanie Strohl
Kevin and Kathy Sutterer
Danny and Claudia Tanoos
Geraldine Varner
Jessica A. Livingston & Michael Vastola
Charlie and Kim Welker
Robert A. Wiemuth
Bert and Patty Williams
John and Lori Wilson
Steve and Joy Witt
Jamie Woodruff
Gary and Victoria Barrett
Melinda Belles
Michael and Dorothy Chambers
Scott Chapell
Kelsey and Alicia Elston
Jason Ernst
Daniel Gmelich
Krista Grange
Laurie Hill
Ted and Sarah Kissinger
Summer Long
Emma Jean Neal
Chris and Erma Reynolds
Jonathan and Natalie Scherle
Julie Schlosser
Teresa Wilson
Jim Winning
David and Leticia Wright
Craig and Leah Allman
Scott Anthony
Gaurav Arya
Candace Auman
Nick Bagley
Arpita Bavishi
Traver Bays
Brandon Bennett
Tiffany Bennett
Dale Bicknell
Kerry Biddle
John Black
Janet Brosmer
Andreas Kummerow and Elizabeth Brown
Tammie Brown
Jeanna Bumgardner
Jerome and Lori Case
Bruce Chapman
Bruce Clark
Daniel Cleveland
Eric Cloe
Kolton Cornwell
Jeff Cox
Sheron Dailey
Robert and Lori Davignon
William Deal
Andrew and Angela Decker
Samuel Deters
Ross Duvall
Arlen Eiteljorge
Earl and Tina Elliott
Cristy Emrick
Amy Ennen
William Epp
Mitchell Estep
Tiffani Ewing
Ryan and Ashley Falconbury
Allison Fazekas
Christi Fenton
David Flinn
Tyler Floyd
Paul H. Foster
Jameson Fox
Lori Fox
Ed Funk
Lori Fuqua
Michael Gallagher
Andy and Holly Garrett
Benjamin Gettinger
Brian Gigon
Thomas Gilbert
Brett Glendening
Joshua Goff
Laura Griffin
Keary Guin
Michelle Gutish
Jenny Hanley
Lynn Hare
Jennifer Harrah
TJ and Cindy Hart
Pamela Hawker
James Hayes
Colin Heap
Todd and Michelle Hein
Andy and Libby Hendricks
Lisa Hendrickson
Mark Hiatt
Beth Hock
Anthony Holmes
Blake Howell
Chris Hudson
Edward Huey
Xavier Humes
Gloria Jackson
Kevin Jerrell
Bryan Johnson
Eric Johnston
Jamie and Jennifer Jones
Bill Kasselman
Crystal Keith
Charla Keller
Korbet Kelly
Gavin Kent
Jimmy R. King
James E. King
Josh King
Joshua and Sarah Kirkman
Duane Klueh
Richard Koenig
Tom Kosar
Dana Kump
Leigh Landes
Paul Lemoine
Chad Lindsay
William Long
Jamie Lowe
Jeffrey Marks
Denise Mattas
Paul Haynes and Linda Maule
Robin McCallister
Darron McCrary
Jeremiah McCreery
Kyle McCullough
Teresa and Dennie McGuire
Christina Minton
Gregg and Jennifer Morris
Daniel Morrision
John and Jane Morse
Lisa Moseley
Alex Mundy
Michael Newkirk
James and Meghan Olds
John Osborn
Molly Pabst
Chuck Pearman
Kristen Pickering
Lori Pierce
Gary and Amy Pirtle
Carole Pitts
Shawn Pohlman
Paula Kay Ponsot
Stuart Powell
Jeffrey Redman
Fred Regan
Colby Roach
Thomas Roberts
Christina Roshel
Lee Schaefferkoetter
Chris A. Schellenberg
Brian Schutter
Bruce Scott
Russell Sedam
James Sharp
Christopher Sharp
David Shore
David Smith
Tracy Smith
Ann Smith
William Smithson
David Spilker
Laura Starks
Lisa Stein
John and Torey Stevenson
Maya Stewart
Marc Summerville
Clint and Amanda Swift
Kelsey Terry
Michael Thomas
Gail Thompson
Carol Thompson
Carson Thrasher
Cory Ware
Brenda Watkins
Margaret Mary Welch
Justin Welling
Brandon Wells
Jason and Lauren Whitfield
Jesse Wilson
Jason Johnson and Kelley Woods-Johnson
Eric Wright
Wesley Wymer
Debra Yeargin