October 22 2018 0comment

United Way Seeking Volunteers for New Impact Model


The United Way of the Wabash Valley will be holding two Lunch & Learn sessions regarding the execution of its new funding model.  This new collective impact model will address United Way’s new bold goal of moving 10,000 families out of financial struggles and into stability thus helping reduce the cycle of poverty in our community.  In order to accomplish this the United Way will need volunteers in a variety of roles including impact councils and evaluation teams.  These sessions will be a relaxed way for those interested in getting involved in the United Way to learn more about these opportunities.  The sessions will be at noon on Friday, November 9 and Thursday, November 15 at the Vigo County Public Library Main Branch (1 Library Square) in Terre Haute.

United Way plans to create impact councils associated with five areas that dominated the discussions throughout the community – education, health, financial stability, neighborhoods, and safety net.  These councils are multi-sector volunteer-led committees that will bring together subject matter experts, people who are passionate about the issue, people whose lives are affected by the issue, business leaders, and other organizations working to affect each area.  Members of the impact councils will recommend and monitor the investment of United Way resources in order to bring successful results to their specified outcome targets in support of the overall United Way community goal to move households to financial stability.  Members of the evaluation teams will review and score proposals and conduct site visits to programs requesting funding.

The luncheon sessions will provide an overview of how these volunteer positions will operate and the responsibilities of its members.  We invite people to come and learn more about these new and exciting volunteer opportunities with the United Way.  In order to reserve a spot, contact Mark Johnson, Community Impact Director, United Way of the Wabash Valley at 812.235.6287 or by e-mail at [email protected].
