May 15 2020 0comment

Weekly COVID Relief Funding Continues from United Way and Wabash Valley Community Foundation

United Way of the Wabash Valley and the Wabash Valley Community Foundation issued more grant disbursements from the Wabash Valley COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund launched in late March.

The Steering Committee that reviews the applications reports seeing an increase in second requests. Mark Johnson, Community Impact Director for the United Way stated, “We have now awarded 15 organizations for a second time. This may be for a new or continuing need, but what this shows our committee is that these organizations are still needing assistance to serve those in the Wabash Valley.”  With Tuesday’s release of funding, 9 organizations were granted over $36,000; four of these organizations are receiving a second grant.

Organizations receiving their first award from the fund:

  • $1,019 for Awesome Kidz II Daycare and Preschool – cleaning and disinfecting supplies and PPE
  • $3,840 for Development Services, Inc. – providing and creating free reusable PPE to clients and local NFPs and their clients and volunteers who are serving the community
  • $5,000 for Greater Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce Foundations, Inc. – purchase 10,000 disposable, surgical masks to be distributed, free of charge, to small businesses throughout the West Central Indiana six-county region
  • $5,000 for Kiddie Cove Day Care & Preschool – cleaning and disinfecting supplies and PPE
  • $2,500 for Loving Ways Day Care – purchase air purifier, sanitation wands, and thermometers

The following organizations received a second grant of between $4,000 and $5,000 for supply of food, meal packaging products, cleaning supplies, hygiene products, and operations: Mental Health America, Salvaged Loves Life Center, St. Benedict Soup Kitchen, and Team of Mercy.

The fund’s first priority is to assist organizations helping individuals and families with immediate COVID-19 related needs, but funds are also used for support of non-profit infrastructure impacted by the economic effects of the state’s stay-at-home orders.

Since March 24th, the fund has now awarded more than $365,000 to over 66 organizations. Officials stated that funds remain for further disbursements and applications are reviewed weekly.  Those organizations wanting to apply can request up to a maximum of $5,000. Updated eligibility and application guidelines for the grants are available at  Organizations seeking funding are encouraged to review these guidelines.
