October 14 2024 0comment

United Way of the Wabash Valley Announces New Grant Opportunity

United Way of the Wabash Valley’s Success By 6 coalition is announcing a new grant opportunity for Wabash Valley childcare providers. The “On the Path to PTQ” investment makes funds available to childcare providers who are interested in participating in Indiana’s Paths to Quality (PTQ) rating system, or who are already participating, but would like to achieve a higher rating. United Way is making available a total of $75,000 to qualifying applicants, who may apply for up to $10,000.

Success By 6 recognizes that, in order to participate in Paths to Quality or achieve a PTQ high-quality rating, childcare providers often need financial assistance to overcome a particular barrier. Perhaps the childcare facility requires a new curriculum, or professional memberships, or new learning areas. Through this new grant opportunity, United Way invites childcare providers to request funds that will enable their program to overcome a barrier and take a next step toward a high-quality designation. This funding opportunity will not support general operating expenses or staff salaries.

United Way invites applications from licensed family childcare provider homes that operate year-round in Clay, Parke, Sullivan, Vermillion, or Vigo Counties in Indiana or in Clark County, Illinois. Applicants must agree to participate in Paths to QUALITY or in the equivalent program in Illinois (for Clark County applicants). Award recipients will be expected to document their progress toward their PTQ goals.

“On the Path to PTQ” aligns with United Way’s long-term goal to increase access, affordability, and choice of high-quality childcare in the Wabash Valley. Over the past 5 years, United Way has helped to create more than 400 high-quality spots in childcare programs in its six-county service area and has supported the On My Way PreK scholarship program to make high-quality pre-kindergarten affordable to more families.

Holly Curtsinger, United Way’s Success By 6 co-chair, says, “Paths to Quality participation demonstrates a provider’s commitment to high-quality childcare and ensures a process of continuous improvement and professional development. PTQ levels are recognized statewide and can help parents identify providers that most closely align with their expectations for childcare.”
